Appropriately timed with the 20th anniversary of the insanely popular Sailor Moon anime, everyone’s favorite princess joins Bandai's S.H.Figuarts series in beautiful fighting form. Sculpted with elegant proportions and meticulous attention to detail, this fully-articulated figure stands on her own as a gorgeous display piece.
Accessories include two types of Moon Sticks (with/without Silver Crystal), effect parts for Sailor Moon's "Moon Tiara Action" attack, 8 interchangeable hands, and five interchangeable face parts, 2 of which are only available in this limited first edition.
Sailor Moon's feline partner Luna is also included, and features neck and tail articulation.
S.H. Figuarts Sailor Moon stands 5.5" tall and comes packaged in a new, unopened box. Authenticity guaranteed; recommended for ages 15 and up. Already a collector's item, these first edition S.H. Figuarts figures are expected to quickly go up in value. Treat yourself or your favorite magical girl to this Sailor Moon figure.